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Hawaii Island Palm Society

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Kelley Orchidland Garden Tour

  • Saturday, July 25, 2020
  • 2 sessions
  • Saturday, July 25, 2020, 10:30 AM 12:00 PM (HST)
  • Saturday, July 25, 2020, 1:00 PM 2:30 PM (HST)
  • Orchidland (Directions sent 1 week prior)


Registration is closed

Members putting in new gardens often wonder how long will it take to build a garden from scratch.  This garden is an excellent example of what kind of growth is possible given one man’s boundless energy and loads of cinder and mulch!  Aside from palms, Rick loves orchids.  He is single handedly putting the orchid back in Orchidland, tying orchids to palms and pretty much anything else vertical.

For a partial species list, click here.

All the palms will be labeled so visitors who prefer to preserve a social bubble may tour the garden. We will also offer guided tours to small groups who want to hear a bit more about the different palms or other plants

As part of our pandemic modifications, we will not offer snacks or cold water, so bring your own. We will also not have name tags, but encourage everyone to bring their own. If you are very sensitive to mosquitos, you might want to bring a can of bug spray. To accommodate as many members as possible while maintaining physical distance, we offer both morning (10:30 to noon) or afternoon (1:00 to 2:30) tours. It always rains at the Kelley garden, so bring an umbrella. Walking sticks sprayed with disinfectant will be available.

Rick bought the three acre “spaghetti lot" measuring 125 ft along the road and 1000 ft deep in 2012. Pahoehoe lava formations produce a somewhat hilly topography. In 2015 a dozer extended the driveway 700 ft down the middle of the lot so the entire area was accessible to cinder trucks.


So far 55 dump truck loads of cinder have been used to fill in low spots and create raised beds on slopes. An equal amount of mulch has been mixed in to provide some organic material for moisture retention.

Madagascar hillside planted in 2016. Bn= Bismarkia nobilis, Da=Dypsis ampasindavae, Dl=Dypsis lastelliana, Doc=Dypsis sp orange crush, Dp=Dypsis procera, Ln=Lemurophoenis halleuxii, Ts=Tahina spectabilis. More Dypsis in the back out of sight. A bed of blue agapanthus is in front.

Contact Us:

550 Akolea Rd

Hilo, Hi   96720

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