President’s Remarks: Rick Kelley
Approval of February 2019 Minutes: Mike Arends
Membership report: Lise Dowd
Treasurer Report & status of tax filings: Stephen Kling
Old Business
Review of HIPS check registry and 2018 bank statements: Rick Jones
Recap Zoo Plant Sale membership outreach: Mike & Stephen
Finalize garden tour schedule: Kelley
Send out notes to commercial and hobbyist growers to get ready for plant exchange: Kelley
Status of Newcomers garden tours: Kelley
Consider donation to UHH palm and cycad gardens: Kelley
Philanthropy committee to nominate recipients at August meeting: Lise & Rick Jones Fall Speaker update: Mary
Membership in International Palm Society: Kelley
Status of mobile PA replacement
T-shirts: Stephen & Sara
New Business
Outreach booth at Orchid Society Show Thursday June 27- Sunday June 30: Sara Develop HIPS policy on privacy, membership contact information directory: Lise & Mary
No news on zoo cycad garden expansion
Nominating committee for 2020 officers:
Members are welcome to attend. Contact Rick Kelley,